SECRET QUARTERS                         Oslo
***************                         NORWAY


Secret Quarters is a Norwegian independent record and production label. With offices
based in Oslo, the label relies heavily on in-house recording and post-production
studios while maintaining tight linkages with external graphic designers and pressing
plants - all stationed in close geographic proximity. This facilitates both effective
communication and high-end solutions at minimal transaction costs, making sure that the
artist/music always receives the greatest priority. Whereas the initial Secret Quarters
releases (2011) feature doom/gothic metal and folk-oriented acts (Omit, Havnatt,
Vagrant God), the label adheres not so much to a predefined profile as an eclectic
approach to art in general. Hence, engaging in projects of various styles will always
be of interest, given that the feeling is right and that quality speaks for itself.
[From:] oct.07, 2015

Run     : Cecilie Langlie/Kjetil Ottersen/Tom Simonsen
Distr.  : NO -
Style   : doom metal / funeral doom metal / gothic metal / folk /

SQ      1       OMIT                    REPOSE                          2CD     09.2011

CD 1    1.1     Scars                                           16:21
        1.2     Fatigue                                         14:28
        1.3     Dissolve                                        14:15

CD 2    2.1     Constriction                                    14:43
        2.2     Insolence                                       26:06

SQ      3       HAVNATT                 HAVDOGN                         CDEP    02.2013

        1       Myrulla                                         6:23
        2       Havnatt                                         3:33
        3       Prammen                                         7:11
        4       Han som skyggar meg [bonus track]               4:42
        5       Jernbaneskinnur sov gjennom landet [bonus track]7:29
SQ      4       VAGRANT GOD             VAGRANT GOD                     CD      09.2012

        1       Perfect Innocence                               5:21
        2       Stigma                                          5:23
        3       Ocean Bed                                       4:43
        4       To the Garden                                   6:04
        5       In My Failings                                  5:04
        6       The Pathos Weavers                              5:16
        7       Insignia                                        5:06
        8       Birds of Leaving                                4:17
        9       Mentor                                          4:18
SQ      5       HAVNATT                 ETTERLATTE                      CD      08.2013

        1       Sovande gard (Tolkning 1)                       4:17
        2       Et blinkfyr vaker i vest                        3:53
        3       Etterlatte                                      5:03
        4       Farvel til Arvak                                5:44
        5       Varnatta er ein lys felestreng (Del 1)          7:07
        6       Det er slutt pa sommarskvellan                  5:17
        7       Stjernenetter                                   4:43
        8       Je bogde meg stille - og grat                   3:37
        9       Var je solblesten                               4:11
        10      Mellom linjene                                  4:19
        11      Sovande gard (Tolkning 2)                       3:41
        12      Folkevise                                       7:42

SQ      7       OMIT                    MEDUSA TRUTH PT.1               CD      11.2014

        1       Distrust                                        16:25
        2       Denial                                          6:37
        3       Deplore                                         26:05